Finding the Joy

Heal the past, create the future, live your desire

Learn how to stop anxiety ruining your life, get the tools to find your joy and create the life you REALLY want to live

There is a part of you that brought you here today that knows you deserve more.

Often we live in a state of stress, anxiety and trauma that confuses us causing overwhelm, exhaustion, anxiety, physical pain, panic attacks, illness, sabotaging patterns, addictive behaviours and mental health issues.

You might not realise it right now but it doesn't have to be that way!


Your Life-coach Therapist

Your Coach and Therapist

Claire Humphries

Through my own journey over the past twenty or so years searching for answers I have learnt so much and discovered many amazing tools.

Perhaps you too have tried many things, trying to figure out what’s wrong or missing; books, courses, specialists – whether medical, scientific, alternative or spiritual and yet you haven’t found the answer.

You still feel stuck and have no idea what you really need and what to do next. That is where I can help because I can tell you exactly what you need and how to get there. That’s the easy bit.

In our very first session I promise to give you the clarity you seek and the path to get there. So the only question is…are you ready?

What you will gain from your free consultation: 


Identify precisely what holds you back; giving you the clarity and awareness you need to move forward to create the life you really want.


A clear vision of the exact steps you need to take in order to create that joy-filled future with all the support and tools you need.


A personalised plan to suit your time and budget to resolve the issues that cause you pain and help you to create the life you deserve. 


What Other Clients Say...

I tried therapy and counselling before but it didn't work. Working with Claire has been a breath of fresh air, totally understanding and very good at finding solutions for you to help yourself. I have found Claire very helpful in finding myself and dealing with things that I wouldn’t have without her.

Would highly recommend to anyone.


Verified Client

I came to Claire with a great deal of uncertainty and self-doubt; she helped me to tune into my inner wisdom, gain strength and confidence. The feeling of lightness and ease that followed each session was remarkable. Claire is intuitive, holistic and very easy to open up to. I’m so grateful I met her.  I completely recommend her. 


Verified Client

Working with Claire was a joy. She is easy going, caring and truly an expert. I would recommend her to anyone who is feeling stuck, lost, anxious or wanting more in life. In our sessions I was able to release long held fears and connect to a much brighter future with her help, support and guidance.

A great therapist and lovely person. Thank you.


Verified Client
What is the difference

Why Claire?

There are many differences when you work with me. I have a unique combination of skill, beliefs, tools and experiences. I am not tied to any one approach and I have multiple tools which have changed mine and my clients lives and I know will change your life. I like to jump right in making you are get value right from the first session. What you need to know about me: 

I work both with therapy and coaching and combine them uniquely

I know that to get results that last you need a holistic approach

I am trauma informed which is essential in this work

I love holding space and regard it as a privilege to hear what you have to say

My approach is all about empowering you to help yourself asap

My core belief is that you are loved, limitless and powerful and that joy is your natural state (and I'll show you)

I will give you multiple tools that work so you can find the one(s) that work for you

I will make it as much fun as possible, there will be humour and swearing is welcome.

I encourage you to be totally yourself and I will be too (there's no point otherwise) no stuffiness or formality 

I keep it real, I'm not perfect and I'm not trying to make you perfect either. My goal is for you to be and know yourself, to be able to accept all of you. 

I'm all about helping you find your joy but not in a bypass-y, stay positive all the time because that's not healthy. It's about wholeness and balance.

I will always share the most empowering beliefs with you to help you expand and grow but my beliefs don't have to be yours. 

 I will hold a loving safe compassionate space where you will never be judged and I'll teach you to give yourself the same

 I love grounded spirituality that empowers. I don't subscribe to putting your power into anything else. Having said that I'm very practical and BS free so if you don't want spiritual, I can do that too

What Claire can help you with (and how)

Women standing in the sea in a beautiful peaceful sunset

Anxiety and Stress

We are in an epidemic of anxiety which can become crippling and overwhelming, affecting our lives through avoidance, unsustainable strategies, physical symptoms and pain, and contributing to other illnesses and conditions. 

I will help you to understand exactly what is going on for you in a new way which will be life-changing. I will give you the latest tools and support to deal with both symptoms and core issues with confidence while helping you to create resilience and trust in your body. 

Overwhelm and Procrastination

A sense of overwhelm can cause us to feel we simply cannot cope with life. Overwhelm can appear in many ways, through physical ailments or sickness, shutting down, depression, disconnection, anger, inability to sleep or relax, anxiety or behaviours like procrastination or lack of motivation.

Working with a skilled and experienced therapist / coach you can start to understand the mechanisms of body and mind and recognise what's really going on, explore your patterns then adapt or create new ones. You'll learn to take back control and make decisions from a calm and confident place.


For many of us confidence can be difficult to navigate. We can struggle to feel confident in one or many areas of our life from such as public speaking or relationships. We may feel unable to be ourselves, feeling like we are living a lie, being what we think we should be in order to be loved and accepted.

Working with Claire, who has years of experience in helping people transform from anxiety to confidence, you will learn to rediscover your natural confidence (on-tap!) and unpeel the layers of limiting beliefs so that you can feel safe and deserving of a wonderful life of authenticity and joy.

Self-Esteem / Self-worth & Inner Critic

As we go through life, we create meaning about our experiences to ensure we survive and hopefully thrive in the world but sometimes these lead to damaging and painful beliefs in the long-term.

Through self-sabotage and painful patterns which stop us from living the life we desire to the soundtrack of our inner critic with its stream of negative thought, our life can feel not worth living, our self-worth and confidence ruined, often leading to addictive and destructive coping strategies. 

Claire will introduce you to your critic and befriend it, help you to identify your patterns and change them so you can create healthier, more empowering beliefs and behaviours to support you and ensure healthy self-worth.


Relationships can be a mine-field of pain and confusion where we have learnt to avoid or self-sabotage, building inner walls, telling ourselves that relationships aren’t for us, we can never be happy, don’t deserve love, repeating the same patterns over and over. We start to believe that maybe it’s not safe to love or trust and that we will never find real love.

Claire will help you to identify and understand these patterns and start to change them, learning to trust again and to find a new way to be with yourself and others, knowing that you are worthy, able to love and be loved and create a loving and fulfilling relationship.

Anger and Frustration

Not many of us learnt to deal with anger in a healthy way, experiencing rage or anger repressed and turned in on ourselves to create depression, physical illness or harming the self, others or property. Only 13% have sought help.

Working with a skilled therapist in a safe space allows us to explore what anger is, what is causing it and how to express it healthily, able to feel safe, calm and under control. My clients tell me now they can choose how to respond or not in situations which before would have sent them straight into anger mode and completely ruined their day. They no longer out of control emotionally, feeling anger and frustration much less frequently and feel able to connect and communicate much better.

Feeling Powerless / Out of Control / Over-Emotional / Self-Sabotage

We are made up of many parts that run our lives (unconsciously) and some that we are ashamed of and try our hardest to control but they cause sabotage, confusion and pain in our lives (taking up so much energy and focus in doing so) creating patterns that destroy our health, relationships, happiness and more and leave us feeling out of control.

Claire will teach you the parts work framework (game-changer!) to identify and work with these parts. We will integrate these wounded parts of us to find the gifts we have been seeking and bring us to wholeness. 

Lack of Direction / Confusion / Stuck / Loss / Change

We don't feel confident enough to make the choices we'd like to make, we are frightened of getting it wrong or losing something we value, we are in a place of transition after being in our comfort zone and perhaps having the rug pulled from under us. We need a safe space where we can stop, be heard, be supported, find our confidence, deal with old pain or losses. Then what is next or needed becomes clearer.

Working with Claire you will learn to tap into your inner resources, and connect to your own wisdom, confidence and abilities. You'll learn to feel safe, to trust and have the tools and resources to create the life you really want. 

Conscious Creation / Energy / Spiritual Coaching / Creating the Future

It's important that we know what we want so that we can create the future we desire. We are always creating our experience so we might as well learn to do it consciously otherwise we tend to create what we don't want. 

Working with Claire, you will learn the principles of conscious creation, how to change the reality you experience. This will transform your understanding of who think you are and finally you will see how powerful, loved and limitless you truly are. 

I will help you to understand exactly what is going on for you in a way that you won't have heard before which will be life-changing. I will give you the tools to be able to deal not only with the symptoms of your anxiety with confidence and calm but help you to create resilience and trust in your body and deal with the core issues as well. 


(Google Review)

Claire has been helping me over the past few months with weekly sessions. I knew she was the right person for me to talk to when she saw me spiralling through my thoughts and asked me to stop and take a breath.

It was exactly what I needed at that moment and it was one of the first times that I felt like I wasn't just paying someone to listen to me talk. She does listen but she really hears what I'm saying. Through that we're working on positive strategies to help me through my anxieties and negative thought patterns.

Thank you Claire for asking me to stop and take a breath. You continue to help me make myself a calmer and self-loving person. 


(Google Review)

I have been having fortnightly sessions with Claire for a few months now and cannot put into words how much my well-being has improved during this time.

She has a wonderful intuitive approach, which has subtly yet radically changed my outlook and perception and I can honestly say that I am becoming a better version of myself as a result.

I am excited at the prospect of what lies ahead of me as a result of her support, secure in the knowledge that with her continued guidance I will be ready to welcome it with an open heart and mind. I cannot recommend Claire highly enough, our fortnightly chats continue to make me more able to lead a happier and richer life.

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